Monday, March 14, 2011

yeah. yeah yeah. yeah yeah.

This morning I told myself, while standing at a crosswalk in the rain, that if you play the Mission: Impossible theme in your head while looking into a crowd you can always find someone having an epic, desperate adventure. Attention must be switched from one person to another in order for this to work properly. I was convinced of this for a few seconds before I proved myself wrong, my field of vision filled only with people walking in the rain and sitting in cars. Not even walking fast or sitting intently. I will try it again and report back.

There is a satellite radio at work. I believe it is to blame for Nickelbacks appearance in my dream last night/early this morning. It may also have something to do with my mildly rekindled interest in pop radio.

When I was five my mother used to tell me that if I started singing and dancing at my age I could grow up to be like Michael Jackson, who began his career at five. You must understand that her encouragement didn't come from my skill level in either field so much as it being a potentially lucrative family endeavor. Irony doesn't mean much to a five year old, and though I didn't exactly take her seriously, I took this as a green light to go ahead and sing along to the radio during car rides. Also at five I didn't have a great hold on the language, so I can only imagine the kind of mush that came out of my mouth during these enthusiastic backseat serenades- usually verse filler.. I knew a lot of choruses but all the details in between were subject to brutal improvisation. My sister took issue with this pretty much immediately and didn't have any problems telling me to knock it off. Ah.. sisterly love..

Presently I probably don't have a much better singing voice, but my brain does tend to hang on to song lyrics for whatever reason, so I've made progress there, at least. In fact I think it's fun sometimes to unravel tough-to-figure-out sentences or mumbledslurredtogetherwhateverisms. Though sometimes without the aid of a cd or tape insert, and now the internet, it is possible to err in this practice.

The most recent of misinterpretations happened yesterday during a satellite rampage which included a popular Usher song called "The DJ's Got Us Falling In Love Again." Had I known the name of the song I probably would have been less likely to superimpose "The Ninja God is falling in love again!" over the chorus. I enjoy the absurd quite a bit and this had me cracking up enough to be nearly unable to communicate my glee to my manager. Hoo.

There was a CD, before the addition of the satellite radio we used to listen to at work by Ingrid Something Or Other. Michaelson? She has a few good songs, one of which I do truly enjoy called The Chain. The CD was called "Be Okay" and had a song by the same title as the opening track. "I just want to relocate, relocate, relocate" is what I believed she was saying for a short time.

"'Cause, baby, you're a firewood!"
The song is called "Firework" by Katy Perry (so says the internet), and this was a slip of the ear made by my manager who was kind enough to share it with me a few days ago. I thought of it during one of those showering-after-midnight evenings and actually laughed out loud about it. Roommate was.. asleep I hope. It's really funny in the context of the song. ("Make them go 'oh!' as you shoot across the sky!")

Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick and Titch wrote a song popularized by Death Proof called "Hold Tight." It's second line is "shut your eyes.." not "ass." By the way. In case you were wondering. Hee hee.

My sister supplied me a with a pop song I really like called "Maneater" and it lives in the Pop Radio Guilt section of my iPod. The correct lyrics are "make you want all of her love," not "Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want more buffalo."

Naturally there are some willing misinterpretations to make life more interesting. I used to do this a lot at The Abacus to try to get Dennis to laugh, though it often wasn't necessary as many of the songs had some foolish lyrics to begin with. I used to substitute "what this guy looks like, what his car looks like.." for "what the sky looks like, what the stars look like.." for a particular tune. You know, when I wasn't running with my rain face on.

My other manager shared with me "hold me closer, Tony Danza" which was a misfire from a friend of hers. Count the headlights on the highway.

Speaking of Sir. Elton John..

I remember an evening years ago during an unexpected visit and welcome melding of two separate groups of friends. There was a point at which some six of us were packed in a car on our way to wherever, all of us singing Crocodile Rock at volume with reckless abandon. Crocodile Rock wasn't what was playing on the radio in the car, you see.

So as you may have guessed I didn't go with the singing and dancing career at the age of five. I don't really sing much anymore. I will sing when alone and executing domestic tasks. I will also sing in the car if the music is loud. Sometimes if the music is not loud and I have a willing car singing companion I will sing with them. DanTarr makes a good car singing companion. I do so miss car singing with DanTarr.."say it ain't so" down that dirt road before the Curran wedding.. sigh..

As far as dancing goes I enjoy it quite a bit though there aren't as many occasions for it as I would like. Ms. Moonshine is coming here in a few weeks and there are plans to attack the phoenix in the evening of the 25th. Having a good dance parter is as important as having a good car singing partner, says I.

Chances are, Reader, you've been invited.

So dance.

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